Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Future of Jefferson Park School Ministry

JPBC has had a successful Preschool Ministry since 1982. It is truly a "preschool" ministry, and not a daycare. Children attend two, three, or five days per week from 9 am till 12 noon from September to May. We currently have over 40 children enrolled.

Over the years we have had families both from the preschool and the church inquire about the possibility of a school ministry at JPBC. Many have observed that Charlottesville has a need for an academically challenging and affordable alternative to the current public and private school options.

At our January Church Conference a prospectus was shared with the church, and we accepted a recommendation that we expand our school ministry to include a kindergarten class in the 2006-07 school year. The expansion of the school is contingent on at least two things. First, we need to be able to hire a qualified teacher/assistant administrator. Second, we need to be able to enroll at least five students (the projected maximum class size will be ten students). If we are not able to achieve these goals within the next few months then we will re-examine the proposal and set our sights on the 2007-08 school year.

A web page will soon be added to our church site both to begin promotion of the school and to seek a qualified teacher. Please pray for this ministry and look for updates on its progress as the year unfolds.

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