Thursday, April 27, 2006

Various and Sundry

  • I have uploaded to our sermon audio page, the mid-week teaching I did on "A Biblical Response to Judas and the Da Vinci Code" and also an audio file reading of the paper I did on "John Piper's Baptism and Membership Proposal: A Neo-Landmark Response."
  • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship has apointed Rob Nash, an academic from Georgia's Shorter College and a person with no formal missionary (cross-cultural) experience, as the new leader of its Global Missions division (see ABP article). He replaces the "team" of Gary and Barbara Baldridge. By the way, when Barbara Baldridge resigned for "personal reasons" there was never any explanation or journalistic investigation by the moderate press on the reasons for her departure. Compare this to the scrutiny given the resignation of Bob Reccord from the NAMB.
  • There is more news about Baptists and public ("government") schools. A liberal group has advocated support while a conservative one is advocating withdrawal. I am doubtful this will reappear in Greensboro since a resolution was passed last year in Nashville.

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