Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 and Postmodernism

One of the providential benefits of 9/11 has been the impact it has had in challenging the prevailing "post-modern" mindset. After 9/11 more Americans were able to understand that good and evil are patent realities. More Americans have also been led to question the myth that all "religions" are the same. Listen to this quote:

Some things are true and some things are false: I regard that as an axiom; but there are many persons who evidently do not believe it. The current principle of the present age seems to be, "Some things are either true or false, according to the point of view from which you look at them. Black is white, and white is black according to the circumstances; and it does not particularly matter which you call it. Truth of course is true, but it would be rude to say that the opposite is a lie; we must not be bigoted, but remember the motto, 'So many men, so many minds.'" Our forefathers were particular about maintaining landmarks; they had strong notions about fixed points of revealed doctrine, and were very tenacious of what they believed to be scriptural; their fields were protected by hedges and ditches, but their sons have grubbed up the hedges, filled up the ditches, laid all level, and played at leap frog with the boundary stones.

These words are from Charles H. Spurgeon (Lectures to My Students, p. 220), as he critiqued the spiritual life of Victorian era England! The postmodern blurring of the line between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, Biblical and unbiblical is nothing new, and perhaps 9/11 has been a divine corrective to the most recent version of "postmodernism."


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