One of the best things I have read of late is Norman Well’s abridgement and modernization of Joseph Alleine’s Wake Up & Live (Evangelical Press, 1998). Banner of Truth has also published the 1672 original under the titles, "An Alarm to the Unconverted" and "A Sure Guide to Heaven." After reading the book I ordered 10 copies to use in evangelism.
Last evening in preaching on the "peace offering" in Leviticus 3, I read the section titled "The whole world is against you," in which Alleine presses the unconverted man to understand his enmity against God using Romans 8:22:
It is a solemn thought to think that you are a burden to creation. If inanimate creatures could speak, the food on your plate would cry out to God, ‘Lord, must I nourish this person and give him strength to dishonor you? If you would only give me permission I would choke him!’ The very air that you breathe would say, ‘Lord, must I give this woman breath so that she can blaspheme your name, insult your people, and engage in corrupt speech? Just give the word and I will make sure she never breathes again.’ Even your regular means of transport would complain, ‘Lord, must I help him on his way to commit yet more sins against you?’ If you do not belong to Jesus Christ, the earth groans under you and hell groans for you until death shall satisfy both. While the Lord remains against you, you can be sure that all his creatures—in heaven and on earth—are against you. You cannot be at peace with what God has made if you have not found peace with God himself (p. 63).
Wow. I had not gotten to this book yet. Have you actually been able to give the books away? What a quote. Thanks, Jeff. Oh, by the way, I manage the U.S. operation of Banner. Good to "meet" you.
Grace & peace,
Steve B.
Now that sounds like a message Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber could deliver with great conviction! Coming to a VeggieTales episode near you?
Thanks for the quote, Jeff. Oh how we need constant reminding of the sinfulness of sin. Enjoying the blog. I will miss the fellowship of the EF. Press on, brother!
Thanks for your post. Nice also to "meet" you. I want to check out your blog. Yes, I have given several of the books away including one about a month ago to a young woman who has now begun faithfully to attend our services, though she has not yet professed faith. I have also given a couple to believers for their edification and encouraged them after reading it to hand it on to a non-Christian friend. Thanks for your work with the Banner. I read and recommend Banner works often.
Good to hear from you. Hope your ministry has started well in Florida. We will very much miss you at this year's Forum meeting. If you ever want to write an article for the newsletter, just send it to me.
Peace, Jeff R
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