Last Sunday, I had the honor of preaching at Flat Creek Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va on the occassion of their 175th anniversary as a church. It was good to have fellowship with Pastor Ernie Carey and with the family of Jackie Rosser, a UVA student who attends JPBC, who grew up at Flat Creek. I preached from Acts 2:42 on "Four Marks of a True Church." Here's a picture my daughter Hannah took of me by the church sign and also one of the church building.
1 comment:
Thanks for your post! I like your analogy of these four elements as like four legs on a table and may borrow that the next time I preach this text.
We miss you guys here at JPBC! I hope Seunghae is enjoying teaching at Purdue. Please plan to come visit us in Virginia soon!
Grace, JTR
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