I don't travel that much in the course of a year, but I've been on the road a lot lately. I went up to Washington, D.C. for the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) Wednesday-Friday (November 15-17) at the Washinton Hilton.
I stayed with former JPBC-er Marcus Deel at his inlaws' house in Chantilly along with two of Marcus' fine fellow SBTS MDiv students, Oren and Matthew. We drove into DC in the mornings, stayed till late in the night, and drove back to the suburbs. Lauren's parents gave us great hospitality in their lovely home! Here are a few pics, including one of Marcus, Oren, and Matthew in Chantilly; the three of them reading (one of the best thing about ETS is the huge book display with 50% discounts the norm--tough on the pocketbooks of pastors, scholars and students; you wonder how many wives get bent out of shape when the visa bill for books come!); and one of Marcus and I just after I gave my paper Friday morning.
1 comment:
I am glad to see that the ETS voted to adopt the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy to clarify what "inerrancy" means (the word had become almost as squishy to some people as "evangelicalism"). It won't solve all the problems with ETS, but hopefully the clarification will help and keep out at least some of the heresies.
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