Thursday, September 13, 2007

Looking ahead to the Evangelical Forum

I have been delinquent in posting this week.
On Monday I went down to Roanoke to attend the meeting of the "Society for the Preservation of Baptist Principles and Practices." The speaker was Pastor Greg Barkman. He did an excellent job preaching first on James 3:1-3 ("Brethren, let not many of you become teachers..."). His message reminded the 15 or so of us preachers who were there of the great responsibility and privilege we have to teach publicly. The troublesome church member may talk to one or two folk in the hall or on the phone, but we get to speak to every one each Sunday. Next he preached on Mark 6:52 ("For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened."). He noted that the "heart" in Biblical terms is not just for the emotions but for thinking and comprehending, citing Romans 10:10: "With the heart one believes unto righteousness...." Do we take the necessary time to think upon Christ, so that our hearts are not hardened to him?
As for our other speaker, Michael Haykin, Baptist Press had an article this week about a conference at SBTS on Andrew Fuller at which Haykin spoke.
Both these men will be at JPBC Friday-Saturday, October 5-6 for our 2007 Evangelical Forum. I am looking forward to it. The conference is open to anyone who wishes to attend.

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