Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Report from "The Society for the Preservation...."

Yes, dear blog readers, I am alive. Yes, it has taken more than two weeks for me to post the first entry of 2008, but here it is.

Yesterday, I got to drive down to Roanoke with my friend Howard to attend and speak at the first meeting of the year of "The Society for the Preservation of Baptist Principles and Heritage" at Plantation Road Baptist Church. I did two talks. The first was "A Biblical-Theological Critique of Multi-Site Church Ministry" (the same paper I did at ETS in November 2006). The second was "Trends in the Emerging Church Movement: A Review and Reflection on the Ministry of Mark Driscoll."

For the second paper I had read Driscoll's Radical Reformission (Zondervan, 2004), Confessions of a Reformission Rev. (Zondervan, 2006), the September 2007 Christianity Today article on Driscoll ("Pastor Provacateur"), listened to Driscoll's message at the "Convergent Conference" at SEBTS, and read critiques of Driscoll from Phil Johnson and John MacArthur. Hopefully, I'll post audio soon.
Enjoyed seeing friends at the meeting. It is always both enjoyable and interesting just to sit and listen to Lloyd Sprinkel and Ron Young, Sr. discuss theology, Baptists, Calvinism, etc.
JTR (aka Lazarus)

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