Monday, March 30, 2009

Winter 2009 EFN Online

The "Winter" 2009 issue of the Evangelical Forum Newsletter has been posted online just before the ending of March (!). Bonnie will have her JPBC volunteer office minions send out the print copies this week. Thanks for all her labor in doing the EFN!
This issue includes:
An editorial on "The New Calvinism" (p. 1).
An article on "Limited Atonement" (part 4 of 6 in our Doctrines of Grace series) (pp. 2-8).
An article by Rob Stovall on "Revival and the Regulative Principle in 2 Chronicles 29" (pp. 9-10).
Book reviews of D. A. Carson's Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor (Crossway, 2008) and Faith Cook's Troubled Journey (Banner, 2004) (pp. 12-14).
And a Pardosis article from Andrew Fuller on reconciling apparently contradictory passages on the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man (pp. 15-17).


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    On the New Calvinism article, I think I passed the New Calvinism smell test.

    Read Desiring God: Check
    Attend T4G: Check
    Purchase ESV Study Bible: Check, Check

    I'm young(somewhat), restless and reformed!

    Oh, I think you missed one requirement- Listen to Sovereign Grace Music: Check

    Even genuine awakenings of God will usually have bandwagons. That's probably one of the reasons Johnathan Edwards wrote The Religious Affections.

    -Evangelical Forum Groupie

  2. Anon,

    I really like the sound of an "EF Groupie" (smiles).

    It might be interesting to hear what others might put on their check list to be young, restless and reformed (e.g., read a Puritan paperback, go to a "Shepherd's Conference," frequently quote Spurgeon, etc.).

    Your mention of Sovereign Grace Music, however, raises just such the issue I was trying to get at. Does embrace of the Reformation mean more than just soteriology? Will it also lead to the regulative principle in worship, for example? On this see the article by Rob Stovall on worship. I think a lot fewer are going to jump on that bandwagon.


  3. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Can't you be "reformed" and not look exactly like the reformers (e.g. Reformed Baptists who disagree with Calvin on baptism and church government)? In other words, is the regulative principles really the priority of reformation or is the reformation of hearts to claim Christ as Lord? I fear that those who claim the regulative principle is the definition of reformed theology run the risk of legalism...This comment though requires more conversation than can be had here. Some food for thought.

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Oh, I think you've touched another bandwagon altogether.

    That would be the "young(somewhat), regulative and reformed."

    Read Puritan paperbacks, attend Baner of Truth Conferences, wear bow-ties, speak with a slightly english accent, take on an erodite persona. :-)

    This is all steriotyping and the truth is that probably al lot of people are somewhere in between these caricatures.

    -EF Groupie

  5. Anon #1:

    Yes, at a meeting last year I heard OPC teacher Daryl Hart say that Baptists couldn't really be "reformed" because we don't embrace paedobaptism and the connectional (synodal) view of church government. He calls RBs "Sovereign Grace" Baptists. But I sort of respected his willingness to draw clear lines.

    Can drawing lines (on things like worship) lead to legalism? Yes. Can not drawing them lead to licentiousness? Yes.

    Anon #2:

    Here's another bandwagon:

    1. Read C. J. Mahaney's "Humility" (or if you are truly young, Josh Harris' "I Kissed Dating Goodbye").
    2. Attend "New Attitude" Conference.
    3. Have a tattoo or goatee (the latter for men that is).
    4. Cuss like Mark Driscoll.
    5. Post anonymously on blogs.


  6. Anonymous8:53 PM

    That's a good one, Jeff. Many bandwagons, many bandwagons...


  7. Anonymous10:00 PM

    BTW, speaking of Driscoll, there is a recent clip of him recommending Andreas Kostenburger's book on "God, Marriage & Family" on the Between Two Worlds blog. He also mentions Dr. Kostenburger leading sessions (gasp) at his Acts 29 Boot Camp in Raliegh, North Carolina.

    I wonder how many people of Kostenburger's caliber and theological accumen are invited to NAMB traning camps. Huhmm?
