Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bridges on Preaching Christ

I’ve been continuing to read through Charles Bridges’ classic The Christian Ministry (Banner, 1959 [1830]). Here is his conclusion to the section on "The Doctrinal Preaching of the Gospel" (p. 258):

"Preach Christ Jesus the Lord." "Determine to know nothing among your people, but Christ crucified." Let his name and grace, his spirit and love, triumph in the midst of all your sermons. Let your great end be, to glorify him in the heart, to render him amiable and precious in the eyes of his people, to lead them to him, as a sanctuary to protect them, a propitiation to reconcile them, a treasure to enrich them, a physician to heal them, an advocate to present them and their services to God, as wisdom to counsel them, as righteousness to justify, as sanctification to renew, as redemption to save. Let Christ be the diamond to shine in the bosom of all your sermons.

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