Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Association of Confessional Baptists formed in Georgia

The "Georgia Association of Confessional Baptists" has recently formed.  You can visit their website and read more about their formation.  Below is an annoucement that was sent out by one of the founding pastors:

In 1644, seven Baptist Churches in London subscribed to the London Baptist Confession of Faith. In 1677, a circular letter was sent to particular Baptist churches in England and Wales asking for representatives from the churches to meet. In 1689 upwards of one hundred Baptist congregations met and adopted the Confession that had been written in 1677. Eventually this Confession became known as the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, a Confession that became the standard for Particular Baptist churches in Wales and England, and in time America.

On March 18-20, 2010 men from various Baptist churches met in Fayetteville, Georgia to form an Association based upon the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. The men who gathered were from Reformed Baptist, Southern Baptist, Primitive Baptist and Old Line Primitive Baptist Churches. As in 1644, representatives from seven churches formed an association, the Georgia Association of Confessional Baptists. In addition to the seven churches who formed this Association, five men joined as associate members.

Once again in Georgia there is an Association of Churches based upon the Baptist Confession of 1689. May we know, as that small group in 1644, increasing usefulness and growth. May God plant many other Confessional Churches in Georgia. May the gospel of grace once again sound forth from pulpits in the cities and countryside of Georgia.

Thomas Waters
Emmanuel Baptist Church

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