Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What will it profit Billy if he gains the whole college scholarship but loses his own soul?

Yesterday, I read Robert Spinney's little booklet Did God Create Sports Also?  Here's an excerpt:

Pastors are hearing something today that they didn’t hear forty years ago: “We won’t be at church meetings this coming Sunday. Billy has a soccer game.” When kicking a soccer ball is regarded as more important than worshipping God and hearing God’s Word taught, sports are too big. “But Billy’s absence will let his teammates down.”  You and Billy have a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and His church that is far more critical than any commitment to Little League teammates; your absence from the Body of Christ will let the church down. “But Billy’s soccer is his ticket to a college scholarship.” What will it profit Billy if he gains the whole college scholarship but loses his own soul? Parents, demonstrate to your children what it means to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Your children should see that your priorities rest with God’s kingdom.

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