Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Vision (4/28/11): Worship is our central priority

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 29:2).

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:23).

Worship is our central priority as a church. There is nothing more important that we do as a church.

Listed below are the sermon topics for the month of May 2011. In the morning worship messages, we will be completing our series in Romans 7-8 and returning to 1 Samuel for a series through chapters 8-15 on the life of Saul. Once we complete this exposition we will return to take up Romans chapters 9-11.

In afternoon worship, we will complete our series through the OT “The Book of the Twelve” and begin a new series through the NT book of Jude.

I have also listed the Psalms and hymns that we are planning to sing in our worship services over the next month. Some individuals or families might like to read the texts or sing the songs in private or family devotions in preparation for the Lord’s Day.

This is the course we plan to pursue, Lord willing. Looking forwarding to joining you for worship this Sunday and throughout the month.

Grace and truth, Pastor Jeff Riddle

CRBC Worship May 2011

May 1

AM: No Separation (Romans 8:38-39)


No. 26 O God, our Help in ages past

No. 596 (text) Jesus lives, and so shall I (DIX)

PM: The Message of Zephaniah

Psalm 103:1-13 (BEECHER)

No. 129 Fairest Lord Jesus

p. xv (second tune) Gloria Patri

May 8

AM: The Rejected King (1 Samuel 8)

No. 13 O Worship the King

Psalm 130 (MARTYRDOM)

Psalm 146 (RIPLEY)

PM: The Message of Malachi (Teacher: Daniel Houseworth)

Psalm 103: 14-22 (BEECHER)

No. 534 Sweet hour of prayer

Psalm 128 (NETTLETON)

May 15

AM: The anointing of Saul (1 Samuel 9-11)

No. 1 (CCH) Come, Christians Join to Sing

Psalm 126 (OLIVET)

Psalm 108:1-6 (FESTAL SONG)

PM: Jude 1-2

Psalm 89:1-6 (ODE TO JOY)

Psalm 119:17-24 (MINERVA)

No. 2 (CCH) Let us love, and sing, and wonder

May 22

AM: Only fear the Lord (1 Samuel 12)

Psalm 122 (CWM RHONDDA)

Psalm 46 (second version; EIN’ FESTE BURG)

No. 31 (text) My God how wonderful thou art (AZMON)

PM: Jude 3-4

Opening Psalm: Psalm 15

No. 2 God, my King, thy might confessing

Psalm 119:25-32 (MINERVA)

Psalm 113 (HENDON)

May 29

AM: What hast thou done? (1 Samuel 13)

Psalm 91 (HYFRYDOL)

No. 533 What a Friend we have in Jesus

Psalm 11 (TERRA BEATA)

PM: Jude 5-6

No. 18 Thee we adore, eternal Lord!

Psalm 119:33-40 (MINERVA)

No. 589 (text) O happy day, that fixed my choice (DUKE STREET)

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