Monday, August 22, 2011

A Visit with Ron Young, Sr.

Image:  Ron Young, Sr. stands by the Scripture Truth sign outside Fincastle, VA.

I enjoyed a visit last Saturday with Pastor Ron Young, Sr. in Roanoke, VA.  I did an interview with Ron as we did some driving around town and have posted it as a new installment of Word Magazine

Image:  The non-descript door to the Scripture Truth store.

We took a drive over to the wholesale store for the Scripture Truth Book Company, outside Fincastle. 

Image:  Stacks of books inside.

Image:  Ron's hall of fame pictures in his downstairs' basement library.

We ended up back at Ron's house where his wife Sue made us a fantastic lunch.  We then spent some time looking around Ron's library which fills the entire basement downstairs of his home.  Ron said when he retired over ten years ago he estimated he had over 15,000 volumes.  He has an amazing collection of Baptist history, including multiple copies of Semple's History of the Baptists in Virginia and J. B. Jeter's Baptist Principles Re-set.

Image:  Close-ups from the Hall of Fame, including Lloyd-Jones, Edwards, Taylor, and Whitefield.

Image:  Ron has this quote from John Eadie by one of the stacks. The quote ends:  "The things on earth are seen, therefore they are temporal; the things in heaven are unseen, and therefore they are eternal.  If the mind be fully occupied with things above, things on earth will be barred out."

Image:  Ron among his tools.

Image:  Did I say he had some theology books?

Image:  Ron in his desk chair, holding a much prized, hand-sewn Scottish R. L. Allan Bible.  For more on Allan Bibles watch this video.


Cameron said...

Love visiting Scripture Truth! They provide excellent resources.

Jeffrey T. Riddle said...


I enjoyed looking around. I like Hiebert's NT commentaries and they had all of them. I used self-control, however, and got away with only looking and not buying.

Hope you're coming to the Keach Conference this year.


Steve Clevenger said...


this is great.


Steve Clevenger said...


this is a great blog post.
