Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Vision (12/29/11): CRBC Ministry 2011 Reflections and 2012 Visions

Image:  CRBC youth fellowship after a recent mid-week meeting.

As we look back over the past year, we see the many ways that the Lord blessed us in 2012. These include (in no particular order):

• The completion of two radio outreach campaigns in the Spring and Fall, including one minute “Grace Point” devotionals (Spring and Fall) and Sunday morning service broadcasts (Fall).

• The completion of a second annual “Puritan” Vacation Bible School.

• Ordination of Daniel Houseworth as our first Ruling Elder.

• Support for the 2011 Keach Conference at Covenant RBC in Warrenton.

• Growth in worship attendance and in membership.

• Joining other churches to support the translation and distribution of Sam Waldron’s To be Continued book in Romania.

• Meeting of financial needs, including exceeding our $10,000.00 Seed Fund goal by $5,000.00.

• Hosting notable guest ministers in the CRBC pulpit, including Gordon Taylor and Malcolm Watts.

We truly must look back on the past year with grateful hearts for the Lord’s kindness to us as a church.

Now, here are a few ministry visions for 2012 (some of which will be discussed more fully in our January 11th Annual Membership Meeting):
• Regular outreach to Our Lady of Peace Retirement Center. In place of our regular afternoon service, we will lead an outreach worship service at the OLP chapel at 2 pm on the following dates: January 8, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 24, July 8, September 9, September 30, November 11.

• Monthly mid-week home fellowships. At least one mid-week meeting each month will be a home fellowship. I know we are spread out geographically, but let me encourage everyone to make an effort to attend these monthly gatherings and be willing to host them. This will be a great way to get to know our body and to share in hospitality.

• Intentional outreach efforts. I would love to see our church attempt to engage in at least one intentional outreach effort each month in 2012. This might include open air preaching, Bible or literature distribution, visitation, radio ministry, etc. We have also been prayerfully considering launching a Sunday evening preaching point in a nearby town or city that does not have a Reformed Baptist church presence. More info TBA.

• Hosting 2012 Keach Conference on September 28-29 in Charlottesville. This is another opportunity to support this annual theology conference featuring world class speakers.

• Mission partnerships. We would love to be able to find one of more like-minded Reformed Baptist missionaries or church planters to support in 2012.

We look forward with anticipation to see how the Lord will work through this body in the year ahead.

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

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