Thursday, February 09, 2012

Delegate Rob Bell "Tebowing"

Today's Daily Progress had this picture of Albemarle delegate Rob Bell mock "Tebowing" after the Virginia House of Delegates yesterday passed the so-called "Tebow bill" he sponsored allowing home schoolers to participate on public school sports teams in Virginia.  The bill passed the house 59-39 despite vociferous opposition from the public education establishment.  The bill next goes to the Virginia Senate where Republicans hold the narrowest 20-19 advantage, but it is questionable whether all the Republicans will vote for the bill.  Even if it passes there is a question as to what will happen on the local level with School Boards and individual schools and coaches.  What a difference it makes, however, when Republicans (whatever their problems and BTW, I am not a Republican but an Independent) hold control of the house of delegates, the senate, and the governor's office.  Lots of other important social issues are being addressed in this session of the General Assembly, including issues related to abortion and adoption.

A reminder to heed Paul's exhortation to pray "for all that are in authority" (1 Timothy 2:2).


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