Thursday, July 26, 2012

Scenes from 2012 "Puritan" Vacation Bible School

Image:  All smiles at the 2012 VBS

CRBC hosted our annual "Puritan" Vacation Bible School this week from Monday through Wednesday evening.  We call it a "Puritan" VBS, because we don't buy a pre-fab plan out of a box but simply use the Bible to teach age-integrated lessons from a portion of Scripture, along with Scripture memory songs, crafts, snacks, and recreation.  You might also call it a "Regulative Principle" VBS.  The focus of this year's study was the Life of Moses.  Here are a few scenes:

Image:  I had the privilege of doing the teaching sessions on the Life of Moses.

Image:  There was lots of music and singing.  Among the favorite Scripture songs of the week:  The fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23); Beloved, let us love one another (1 John 4:7-8); and Be bold!  Be strong! (Joshua 1:9).

Image:  Casey H. oversaw great theme-related snacks each evening.

Image:  Stephanie O. used her art teacher background to lead craft time.

Images:  One night's craft included making a tablet with the ten commandments.

Images:  Llew and Hannah R. led the ever-popular recreation time with outdoor games like "sharks and minnows" and indoor games like "Pass the hula hoop."


  1. Fun!

    We prayed the Lord would bless the teachers and students and that His word would have it's free course.

    Thanks for the pics.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    We loved VBS!!!!

  3. Armand,

    Thanks for the prayers. The Lord heard yours and ours for the VBS and granted us a good experience together again this year.

