I heard a radio interview a few weeks back, however, with
someone who was describing the 1983 move Tender
Mercies as one of his favorites. In
fact, he was describing this scene as one of the saddest ever filmed. I got intrigued by his description of the
movie and got in on Netflix—It came right after Beauty and the Beast to give you some idea of the typical movie fare
in our house.
The film is only c. 90 minutes long with beautifully framed
shots of the bleak Texas landscape.
Robert Duvall won best actor at the 1983 Academy Awards for his
portrayal of Mac Sledge, a washed up alcoholic and former County & Western
star who hits rock bottom in a small Texas town. Through his relationship with a young widow
(whom he eventually marries) and her son he finds sobriety and contentedness. The film offers one of the few positive
portrayals of evangelical Christianity ever to come out of Hollywood. Sledge’s transformation comes as he begins to
attend his wife’s church where she sings in the choir (great scene of the
country choir warbling through “Jesus Saves”).
How many films feature a baptism (Mac and “Sonny,” his stepson, are
baptized on the same day) as a key point in the plot? The film’s climax comes in a theological
discussion between Mac and his wife in their garden. As he handles the hoe, they discuss the death
of Mac’s adult daughter in a car accident, the sovereignty of God, providence,
grace, and theodicy. Again, there aren’t
too many films where the climax is someone essentially going through the trauma of becoming a Calvinist (though it
closes with him saying “I don’t trust happiness” the ending of the film makes
clear that Mac has made a giant stride forward in his faith). Here’s the scene:
This got me thinking about what makes a “Christian” film. Tender
Mercies (even the title comes from the Psalms and there is also reference
to James 5:11: “Ye have heard of the
patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very
pitiful, and of tender mercy.”) is a “secular” film, but it also offers a
very powerful presentation of Christianity.
Yes, there are a few curse words in the beginning, realistically
conveying Mac’s state and his world before his transformation begins (btw,
another great scene is the truck ride back after the baptism when Mac and Sonny
discuss whether or not their baptism has changed them, and they determine they
are the same people, but they are changing—a nice portrayal of progressive sanctification). It also offers a powerful and winsome presentation
of Christian marriage and fatherhood (much more compelling than, say, in the
overtly “Christian” film Courageous,
imho). There are not many films worth commending, but this might be one.
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