Saturday, August 17, 2013

Head covering movement?

Someone posted a link on the RB pastors' list this week to this site devoted to the recovery of women wearing head coverings in corporate worship (a practice of some among conservative Reformed types).

In response and critique of this movement (arguing that it reflects a more Islamic than Christian view) from a conservative Christian perspective, one might find these two sermons on 1 Corinthians 11 by Pastor Max Doner (Sovereign Grace Bible Church, Lebanon, Oregon) of interest:

Male and Female Equality and Hierarchy (This lays the hermeneutical groundwork).

Expressing Biblical Roles in Society (This addresses head coverings in particular with Doner arguing that 1 Corinthians 11 does not address women in corporate worship but in society).


  1. I haven't had a chance to listen to these, but I hope to. My wife and I have been asked about this more than once. To add another resource on this, we typically answer them according to our understanding and give them the following link to some study notes on the issue:

  2. Armand,

    Thanks for your comment. I glanced at the paper and will try to read it more closely at some point. Was this written by Pastor Crawford?


  3. I'm sorry for the delayed response Pastor Jeff.

    In answer to your question, yes. Pastor Dale presented this in the Discipleship Training class on Sunday afternoon. Christine had actually requested this study, but we had moved to Texas before it moved up on the list :(

    Most of this is taken from his sermon notes when he preached through I Corinthians in the years prior.

    There are so many movements associating themselves with the "reformed resurgence". Amidst the excitement over the abundance of sound teaching available, it also gives rise to concern. "Movements" are not always healthy. Diarrhea in fact, can cause dehydration and malnourishment ;).

  4. The latter movement you mention is definitely one I'd prefer to avoid!


  5. After listening to Pastor Doner's sermons, I wish I could pick his brain for a few practical applications.

    Excellent exegesis and I agree whole heartedly with his assessment of a woman's place in society. However, it seems ideal for good christian families in good christian homes, but there are broken homes being reconciled to Christ as well. What sort of exhortation and counsel should be given in particular undesirable situations in light of this creation mandate.

    For instance, we have a single woman in our church who has raised two daughters from infancy that were abandoned by a drug addict. This woman has no man to care for her and her daughters, one of which has entered college and is working a job to pay bills and for school. The mother just recently finished going to school to code medical records so she could get a better paying job.
    Should the church support her so she doesn't have to enter into a "career"?
    Should she be counseled to avoid a job where she might oversee male co-workers?
    Should her daughters be discouraged from pursuing careers or even college and instead be trained to be keepers at home?
    I wonder if Lydia had male servants in her business of purple?

    I find these difficult questions. Do we relax the principle and grant liberty?

    Any thoughts?
