Saturday, May 10, 2014

2014 John Albert Broadus Religion Award at PVCC

PVCC has an informal Academic & Leadership Awards Convocation each Spring.  This year it was held on April 17th.  I was able to help get a Religion Award established for this year's convocation and to have it named the "John Albert Broadus Award."  Broadus (1827-1895) was born in Culpeper County, graduated from UVA, and then stayed in Charlottesville to become professor of ancient languages at his alma mater while also pastoring the First Baptist Church or Charlottesville (where he would baptized a young Albemarle Female Institute student from Scottsville, Virginia named Charlotte "Lottie" Moon), before leaving to become a founding faculty member, teaching NT and homiletics, at the Southern Baptist Seminary. I then had the honor of presenting the award to one of my students, Nathan Moore.  Here's a video of the entire convocation with the Religion Award at c. the 19.00 minute mark:

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