Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Vision (6.26.14): Scenes from our 2014 VBS

We completed another encouraging “Puritan” Vacation Bible School at CRBC this week (meeting Monday-Thursday).  Why do we call it a “Puritan” VBS?  Because our approach is simple, non-programmatic, and Bible-focused.  This year’s theme was “The Life of Jesus (from the Gospel of Mark).”  We had 35 children registered for the week.  Thanks to all those who contributed to make this year’s VBS a success!  Here are a few pictures:

Each day started with a procession led by the “Bible-bearer”

Reading a Bible story from Isobell Tallach's "The Life of Jesus" (a Banner of Truth picture book which includes no images of Jesus)

A volunteer plays the role of the paralytic whom Jesus healed in a Bible lesson from Mark 2:1-12

A friendly game of tug-o-war during recreation

"Gaga ball" also proved to be a big hit during recreation

Craft time

Working together on the order of events in Jesus' early ministry during Bible Review

Stephanie O. introduces a craft session

Singing "The Fruit of the Spirit" is always a big hit

Each day ended with lunch and fellowship for the children and their families


  1. I believe I was converted through a VBS.. Many children are not churched and this is a great outreach.

  2. Thanks Darrell. This is a good reminder and testimony.

