Friday, June 26, 2015

The Vision (6.26.15): Scenes from 2015 CRBC Vacation Bible School

This week (Monday-Thursday) we completed our annual Vacation Bible School at CRBC.  The theme this year was "The Life and Teaching of the Apostle Paul."  Here are few scenes from the week:

The day began with a "Bible-Bearer" leading the children into VBS.

Each day began with Bible study.

Topics for the week:  Day One:  Paul's Conversion on the Damascus Road; Day Two:  Paul's Three Missionary Journeys; Day Three:  Paul's Trials; Day Four:  Paul's Letters and His Legacy

Singing Scripture and Camp Songs was a big part of the week.  "The Fruit of the Spirit" remains a popular one with the children.

Stephanie O. led crafts again this year.  Here a group puts a model of Paul's ship on a string before it wrecks on the rocks below.

Another craft scene

Recreation time is also always a big hit.

Nothing like a game of "Duck-Duck-Goose"!

Bible lesson review:  Using sentence strips to put the events of Paul's life in order.

Each day ended with lunch on site.

VBS: old friendships renewed; new friendships made.

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