Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SK # 2: Do Paul and James contradict each other on faith and works?

Ethan McG. has posted a new edition of Searched and Known.  This time he and I discuss the supposed conflict between Paul and James, Romans 4 and James 2, faith and works.

In the discussion I called attention to Calvin’s discussion on this issue in his Institutes, Book III, chapter XVII, sections 11 and 12.  Calvin argues that James and Paul are not in conflict because the same God speaks with one voice in both:

What then?  Will they drag Paul into conflict with James?  If they consider James a minister of Christ, his statement must be so understood as not to disagree with Christ speaking through Paul’s lips.

Warning:  Whereas in SK # 1 we were able to sit in the same room to record our discussion, this time I had to speak with Ethan over skype and the sound quality for my part of the conversation is pretty rough.  You can, however, hear Ethan clearly.


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