Friday, May 06, 2016

The Vision (5.6.16): Fathers and Family Worship

I know Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend.  At our midweek meeting on Wednesday, however, the topic was “Family Worship” and I read an excerpt from Joel Beeke’s booklet “How Should Men Lead Their Families” (Reformation Heritage Books, 2014), exhorting fathers to take the lead in family worship. Beeke writes:

Daily family worship ought to be the foundation of your fatherly exercising of your prophetical office toward your children.  Be determined over a period of two decades of family worship to teach your children the whole counsel of God, as Paul said he did for the Ephesians (Acts 20:17-27).  Your home is to be a little church, a little seminary, in which you serve as an instructing prophet, teaching your children God’s precious truth—addressing the mind, the conscience, the heart, and the will of each of your children.  Teach your children Bible stories and Bible doctrines, and apply these stories and doctrines to their daily lives, with the  Spirit’s blessing, for their proper spiritual, moral, and psychological development (p. 6).

May the Lord help us to establish a consistent practice of family devotions, encouraged by both fathers and mothers, within our households.

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    many thanks for this.

  2. Thank you, Pastor Jeff.

  3. Glad this has been found helpful. I recommend the booklet.
