Friday, June 24, 2016

The Vision (6.24.16): Scenes from CRBC's 2016 VBS

Image:  VBS began each morning with the kids lining up behind the "Bible-bearer" to come into the meeting hall.

We held our annual "Puritan" Vacation Bible School at CRBC this week.  The theme this year was was the life and teaching of the apostle Peter.  It was a great week of fun and learning.

Image:  Recreation.

Images:  Scenes from Craft session.

Image:  A game during Bible lesson review.

Image:  Wall drawing of Peter reflecting the VBS theme (Mark 1:17).

Image:  Singing "My God is So Strong!"

Image:  Lunch was served each day.


  1. Looks like a good constructive time was had by all.

    And now for something completely different.

    Jeff, I have finished my book on the pericope adulterae! --

  2. James,

    Thanks for the announcement. I look forward to reading this.

