Monday, December 31, 2018

WM 113: Clement of Rome

Image: A depiction of the martyrdom of Clement of Rome by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea, during the time of the Emperor Trajan.

I have recorded and post WM 113: Clement of Rome to (listen here).

In this episode I review 1 Clement,  a work attributed to the Apostolic Father, Clement of Rome (and perhaps the Clement mentioned in Philippians 4:3 by Paul).

I review eight themes in 1 Clement:

1. A call for unity in the face of disunity at Corinth (chapters 1, 14, 21, 40, 44-47, 54, 57, 63).

2. Recalling the examples of Peter and Paul (chapter 5).

3. Concerning the resurrection (chapter 24; cf. 1 Corinthians 15).

4. On justification by faith and good works (chapters 32-33).

5. On the church as a body (chapter 37; cf. 1 Corinthians 12).

6. On church government: bishops and deacons (chapter 42).

7. On the Trinity (chapters 46, 58).

8. On "love" in the church (chapter 49; cf. 1 Corinthians 13).

For previous WMs on Church Fathers, see:

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