Saturday, July 11, 2020

WM 168: Q & A (NKJV, Ward, PIA), then review of Boyce on PA

Earlier this week, I posted WM 168: Q & A (NKJV, Ward, PIA), then review of Boyce on PA. Listen above.

Here are a few links to resources noted in this episode:

Part One: Following up with Correspondence:

On the NKJV:

Check out the articles page on the TBS website. If you scroll down to the section on "English Versions" you will find five articles on the NKJV.

Dane Johannsson also has this podcast on the NKJV.

On Mark Ward's Which TR? article:

See Ward's lecture, An Evaluation of Confessional Bibliology (September, 2019).

Listen to WM 140 here:

On the PIA and debates on text:

Look here for the PIA's list of public debates (none of which, according to the titles, give singular, sustained focus to defending his rejection of any specific TR text).

Part Two: Review of Introduction to Stephen Boyce on the PA:

Read Boyce's full article here.

Listen to my full debate with Boyce on the PA here:

Blessings, JTR


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    what do you consider to be the best modern English translation that is faithful to the textual foundations of the KJV? Thanks.

  2. Which Word Magazine covered Westcott and Hort? Thanks!

  3. Anon,

    First, I prefer the KJV.

    Second, I have not done an exhaustive enough study to be able to declare which modern English translation I would hold to be *most* faithful to the traditional text underlying the KJV.

    The leading options most widely available would be the NKJV and the MEV (Modern English Version).

    One could also compare the modern edition of the Geneva Bible from Tolle Lege.

    Hope this helps, JTR

  4. Shawn, I'm not really sure which WM she was referencing, since I've referred to W & H on various episodes. Perhaps she was thinking of WM 117 in which I shared various quotes from W & H on conjectural emendation:


  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    thank you.

  6. Dear Dr Riddle. I just briefly want to thank you for your faithful, graceful and elegant defence of your position that has finally helped me understand my own. I have never seen Dr White lose a debate... until encountering you on Mark 16 - granted I am biased. In your debate with Dr Boyce on the PA, I was curious to see if the statistics about unique words in the Gospel of John sets the roughly 200 words in the PA apart from the rest. I used Excel and could demonstrate very convincingly that the frequency for unique words (or forms of the words) in a passage of about 200 words occurs in the following chapters in descending order: 6; 2; 19; 12; 21; and then only 8. The average number of unique words that surrounds every word with a radius of 193 words in John 6:6-17 is about 58 unique words whereas the MAXIMUM average for the PA is 44.2 and actual average 43.1. The average for the Book is 34.6 and the standard deviations 8.91, which means that PA lies within one standard deviation from the mean! Would gladly share it with anyone that might be interested.

  7. Pieter, thanks for the encouragement and for sharing your research on the PA. Yes, please send this to me. I'd like to see your work.

    Blessings, JTR

  8. Oh, its hardly research: playing on Excel with data that actually matter. Hope it is useful for something. Just to explain slightly the reasoning: The Spreadsheet identifies unique words; choose a radius and the spreadsheet calculates the number of unique words within that radius for each. To smooth out spikes, it calculates the average number of unique words for every word within the radius around the given word. Conditional formatting highlights the "hotspots". I do need to apologise, I made a simple math error, and use the diameter instead of the radius in my initial calculation. It does make a difference! PA is still not first, Chapter 6:5-15 is higher, a passage from chapter 4-5 the same, and passages from chapter 12 and 21 close behind it. Play around and feel free to ask if you need some Excel tricks.
