Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Peter Van Kleeck, Jr.'s book "A Philosophical Grounding for a Standard Sacred Text" is now available

Peter Van Kleeck, Jr.'s version of his dissertation, A Philosophical Grounding for a Standard Sacred Text: Leveraging Reformed Epistemology in the Quest for a Standard English Version of the Bible is now available in print formYou can order it online here.

I interviewed Dr. Van Keeck on this work in WM 213.

The print version of the book has an excerpt from a "blurb" I wrote for it on the back cover. Here is the full endorsement:

“It’s the economy, stupid!” was a slogan coined by political strategist James Carville during the 1992 US Presidential election. His point was that if his party hoped to win in November, they had to maintain a laser-like focus on the economy. When it comes to winning evangelical, conservative, and Reformed Christians back to the traditional Protestant text of Scripture (the Received or Confessional Text), I contend we must take up the motto, “It’s epistemology, stupid!”  The Bible is indeed the epistemic foundation of the Christian faith. How can we affirm that Scripture is our preeminent source of authority, if we are not sure of what the text of the Bible is? In this book A Philosophical Grounding in Favor of a Standard Sacred Text, based on his doctoral dissertation at Liberty University, Dr. Peter Van Kleeck, Jr. applies the “Reformed Epistemology” of leading Christian philosophers like Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff to Christian Scripture, winsomely making the case that it is not irrational for ordinary believers to embrace a “standard sacred text” as the authority for faith and practice. I warmly commend this opening volume on Scripture and the philosophy of knowledge in what is projected to be a three-volume series, and I look forward to forthcoming companion volumes which will approach the doctrine of Scripture, respectively, from an exegetical and then a theological perspective. Epistemology is, indeed, the right starting point.

-Jeffrey T. Riddle, Pastor, Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Louisa, Virginia

Tolle Lege!


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