Friday, February 04, 2022

The Vision (2.4.22): CRBC Winter/Spring 2022 Short Term Studies

We will have several short-term booklet reading/discussion studies at CRBC for the Winter/Spring, beginning on Sunday, February 13, 2022:

Daniel R. Hyde, In Defense of the Descent (5 weeks).

This will be a study on the “descent clause” in the Apostles Creed: “he descended into hell.” What does this clause mean? What is its Biblical basis? What does it teach about Christ?

Peter Masters, The Power of Prayer Meetings (2 weeks).

This will be a study of prayer meetings. What is prayer? Why is it important for the church to hold prayer meetings? Who should participate in public prayer?

Poh Boon Sing, What is a Confessional Church (5 weeks).

What’s the difference between an evangelical or Calvinistic church and a confessional Reformed church?

Booklets will be available to purchase at cost from the info table. You can attend the discussion even if you have not done the reading! Studies will begin c. 30 minutes after the end of the second service (c. 2:30 pm) and last c. 45 minutes (till c. 3:15 pm).

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

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