Friday, December 23, 2022

The Vision (12.23.22): Spurgeon on the Great Commandment


Image: CRBCers singing hymns following the Lord's Day afternoon service (12.18.22).

Note: Devotion taken from last Sunday's sermon on Matthew 22:34-40.

Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

In this month when many think of the birth of Christ, we have continued our Lord’s Day expositions of the Gospel of Matthew.

Last Sunday we considered Christ’s teaching on the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and were helped by Spurgeon’s commentary on this passage (Matthew, 345).

Christ commanded first, “Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart….”

Spurgeon: “Because he is our God, Jehovah claims our heart’s love. As our Creator, Preserver, Provider, and Judge, he commands us to yield to him all our heart’s affection; to love him first, best, heartiest; out of all comparison to the love we have to any fellow-creature, or to ourselves.”

“…and with all thy soul….”

Spurgeon: “We are love to God with all our life, to love him more than our life; so that, if necessary, we would give up our life rather than give up our love to God.”

“…and with all thy mind.”

Spurgeon: “We are to love God with our intellect, with all the powers of our mind, bringing memory, thought, imagination, reason, judgment, and all our mental powers, as willing subjects to bow at God’s feet in admiration and love.”

Let us be encouraged to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind, even as we also love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39).

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

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