Thursday, March 20, 2025


Note: From X post:

Prepping to teach midweek Bible study yesterday on the 18 items in Paul's vice list in 2 Timothy 3:2-4, which, he says, will be prevalent among men in these "perilous times" of the "last days" (v. 1), and was struck by the alternate translation suggested in the KJV margin for "false accusers [διαβολοι]" in v. 3.

The suggestion is "makebates." An online dictionary defines a "makebate" as "one that excites contention and quarrels." It describes the term as "archaic" and notes its first known use as 1529.

It is pronounced as one one might expect a compound word to go: "make" plus "bate," long "a"s and silent "e"s. This is another word we need to make great again and not let slip out of usage. I pledge to start using it in sentences like this:
"The internet troll made himself a makebate in the comments section."


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